
This document provides you with key information about this investment product. It is not marketing material. The information is required by law to help you understand its nature, risks, costs and potential gains and losses, and to help you compare it with other products.

You are about to purchase a product that is not simple and may be difficult to understand.


CUBE RAINBOW SUPERTRACKER JULY 2020 ISIN:GB00BMJ6D694 Manufacturer:LamassuCapital http://www.lamassu-capital.com +44(0)203 693 7435 CompetentAuthority:Financial Conduct Authority Produced on:2019-06-28

What is this product?

Type: Enhanced Participation,Rainbow
Intended retail investor: Growth
Insurance benefits: none

What are the risks and what could I get in return?

Risk indicator

Lower risk1234567Higher risk

* assumes you keep the product until: 2020-07-01
* the actual risk can vary significantly if you cash in at an early stage and you may get back less
* you may not be able to cash in early
* you may have to pay significant extra costs to cash in early
* you may not be able to sell your product easily or you may have to sell at a price that significantly impacts how much you get back

Maximum loss:You may lose all your invested capital

Performance scenarios

Investment: 1000 GBP
Stress scenarioWhat you might get back after costs:687.31684.66
Average return each year (%):-31.27-31.27
Unfavourable scenarioWhat you might get back after costs:828.23826.62
Average return each year (%):-17.18-17.18
Moderate scenarioWhat you might get back after costs:1,030.201,030.52
Average return each year (%):3.023.02
Favourable scenarioWhat you might get back after costs:1,259.751,262.75
Average return each year (%):25.9725.97
* this table shows the money you could get back over the next 1.0 years, under different scenarios, assuming that you invest 1000GBP
* the scenarios illustrate how your investment could perform. You can compare them with the scenarios of other products
* the scenarios are an estimate of future performance based on evidence from the past, and are not an exact indicator. What you get will vary depending on how the market performs and how long you keep the investment.
* this product cannot be easily cashed in. This means it is difficult to estimate how much you would get back if you cash in before 2020-07-01. You will either be unable to cash in early or you will have to pay high costs or make a large loss if you do so
* the figures shown include all the costs of the product itself, but may not include all the costs that you pay to your advisor or distributor. The figures do not take into account your personal tax situation, which may also affect how much you get back

What happens if the issuer is unable to pay out?

You may lose up to the total amount invested.

What are the costs?

Costs over time

If you sell after this number of years:
(last column if product alive until expected Duration)
Total costs, for 1000 invested:-398.13-398.13
Reduction in yield (RIY%) per year:-39.81%-39.34%

This table shows the impact on return per year assuming you hold the product until 2020-07-01

One-off costsEntry costs-39.34%The impact of costs already included in the price. NOT included are amounts you pay to an adviser,distributor or other third party
Exit costs0%The impact of the costs of exiting your investment when it matures
Ongoing costsPortfolio transaction costs0%The impact of the costs of us buying and selling underlying investments for the product
Insurance costs0%The impact of the amount you are paying to buy insurance protection
Other ongoing costs0%The impact of the costs that we take each year for managing this investment
Incidental costsPerformance fees0%The impact of any performance fee, which we take from your investment if the product outperforms its benchmark
Carried interests0%The impact of carried interests, which we take if your investment has performed better than the specified amount

How long should I hold it and can I take my money out early?

You are recommended to hold this product until 2020-07-01

How can I complain?

You can complain to the manufacturer Competent Authority, noted above under the heading 'Product'

Other relevant information